Make a Lasting Footprint With Your Brand Every Step Of The Way!

  • Aug 23, 2024

It's time to KICK your brand into the race!

We are always walking and running toward new and creative ways to show off brands and build team and client loyalty with unique swag that will be used and seen!

One of our favorite attention-grabbing swag ideas can be found at the end of our toes...Custom Sneakers are so hot!  and we have styles for every SneakerHead!

Sneaks, Kicks, are more than a wardrobe staple, they are a statement. Even if you never walk the block, run the race, hit the court, step on the are wearing sneakers...more than ever!  Sneakers are the perfect canvas to show off your brand, impress your clients, applaud your team and make a footprint that folks will follow and remember!  AND...with custom sneaks you MUST have custom socks.

We LOVE Custom Socks, Knit from top to bottom to show off your brand. These custom socks will NOT get lost in the sock drawer.  Celebrate your brand and have a crowd winning way to promote your next event or product launch.  Custom socks are a great idea for conferences, tradeshow swag giveaways, meeting takeaways, client gifts... Pull up your brand with custom socks to match your new kicks!


CLICK to See Custom Sneakers, Kicks and Socks!




